by The Knak shak January 23, 2018
by screamxmayday January 5, 2011
by Glenn T. April 4, 2007
A saying that you use when you, or someone else, are at or just had an all time low moment. The emotional or physical pain is compared to being fucked in the ass. Not only is life treating you unjustifiably bad, it is also going to great lengths of emotional or physical destruction.
Bob: My girlfriend just told me there was someone else. Yesterday, I asked her dad for permission to marry her.
Jim: Life Is A Bitch And Sometimes It Fucks You In The Ass.
Jim: Life Is A Bitch And Sometimes It Fucks You In The Ass.
by Dick Pound69 June 9, 2013
by nepvll March 12, 2023
1: another term for are you fucking kidding me.
2: A queshtions girls use when you stick it in the wrong hole.
2: A queshtions girls use when you stick it in the wrong hole.
1:" denisa totally fucked you in halo"
"Are you fucking my ass"
2: " babe"
"Are you fucking my ass?"
"Are you fucking my ass"
2: " babe"
"Are you fucking my ass?"
by Alanmakeufeel October 21, 2014