
A well-known troll in math and science channels on irc networks, mostly freenode, efnet, and undernet.
In #math:
<fruitbag> A player uses a controller to maneuver a character through a video game. Where is the gamepad of the mind?

In #not-math:
<fruitbag> Everything I do is interpreted by the guys in #math as trolling.
<fruitbag> It's bullshit, man.
by coequalizer November 4, 2007
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A fag; a fruity person; a very colorful person that is much like a bag of a bunch of different kinds of fruit - Kind of like Skittles. Taste the rainbow.
"That male cheerleader is such a fruitbag, he's always prancing around like a unicorn!"

"Man, you are a bag of fruit and a 1/2."

"Quit being such a fruitbag, shut the fuck up!"
by Jack Wayne October 22, 2007
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someone who is idiotic ,stupid ,a bit simple
"oh my god your a right fruitbag"
by a4massive January 10, 2009
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Guy or girl who is obviously crazy
You only date fruitbags!
by seiboncivic August 23, 2013
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A word of showing emotion such as Fuck. But in a way that is more censored. Also: Fruitbagged, Fruitbagging, fruitbag and 1/2, fruityfull,
This a real fruitbaggin class. Damn that fruitbag teacher
by Mike October 26, 2004
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1. a skank, cat biter, uncool, uncleanly, or a person who listens to antikevin music
shutup, you fruitbag
by paulakamike June 24, 2008
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