Persons on twitter that tweet free such and such person in response to twitter having permanently suspended said twitter account for having broken twitters rules.
Trutherbot is a FreeFag.
by AnonDoxy June 20, 2018
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Persons on twitter that tweet free such and such in response to twitter having permanently suspended said person for having broken twitters rules.
by AnonDoxy June 20, 2018
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Often found lurking on deviantART and other online galleries, a freefag never stops asking for free requests of art and perverse photography, and never takes "no" for an answer. Usually they are the type who have no artistic talent so get others to draw their shitty characters or use dollmaker programs to create their god-awful Sonic The Hedgehog recolours which they then claim as their own work. Often turns into a ban-evader who will make multiple accounts and contact you on every possible system such as email, other accounts and other websites, taking this to a stalker-ish level and never leaving the artist / subject alone until the banhammer is well and truly dropped.

Usually can't spell and gets butthurt over the word "no".
Freefag: Do u do commissions
Artist: No
Freefag: o do u do trade
Artist: No
Freefag: o do u do request
Artist: *block*
Freefag OMG WHY!!!! I send u email!
by ISTesla March 17, 2011
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