Root Word: "Fo sho"
Meaning: same as root word which means for sure. Created by a retarded gay guy named MAK OH.
Meaning: same as root word which means for sure. Created by a retarded gay guy named MAK OH.
by Nick Yang March 12, 2004
i was very sored when my girlfriend was late
by thetbio November 1, 2017
1. Come on babe, I said I was sorry two days ago, and you're still sore at me.
2. When you bet big money, you can't get sore when you lose!
2. When you bet big money, you can't get sore when you lose!
by talk2me-JCH2 April 3, 2021
1) In pain from a previous injury. When sore, there is still some pain, but it is gradually decreasing.
2) An injury that is healing slowly.
3) Upset about an incident that took place some time ago.
2) An injury that is healing slowly.
3) Upset about an incident that took place some time ago.
1) I'm sore from that basketball game; I think I need to condition myself better.
2) That sore on your leg is still there, eh?
3) Lonnie's pretty sore about the fact that Mitch broke his bike.
2) That sore on your leg is still there, eh?
3) Lonnie's pretty sore about the fact that Mitch broke his bike.
by Diggity Monkeez March 27, 2005
A person (mostly women) who has been fucked or fingered so many times that she is sore in the region.
by Harri October 29, 2007
a promiscuous girl, also known as a common wastegal.
Literal meaning: her vagina is sore from too much male entry
Literal meaning: her vagina is sore from too much male entry
by whyuwannaknow4 October 24, 2007
by Walker_07 November 30, 2017