
1 When you want some to really just back off.

2 A deep desire to slinker away
"Why don't you just foff." "I really want that girl to foff off my **** before I get some **** off that dude's ****.... foff" "foff from me"
by Bo Bo BO BO BOBOB June 9, 2017
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It means "fuck off fucking faggot"

If a you are a little toxic in a game or something like that, and you're to lazy to write it all.
- foff
- ?
- Urban dictionary it!
- Ohh, fair enoungh
by LeChump June 24, 2019
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puddle and foff

a sex position where the receiving partner lies flat on their backs with their legs behind their head. penetrating partner holds down the legs while thrusting.
damn bro i tried to puddle and foff yesterday and went in balls deep
by puzzydeztroyer April 16, 2022
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