Amanda has a hard time making decisions. She told me she has FOBO.
by sydkirby32 November 22, 2016
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Fear of better options. Typically happens to many people, especially millennials who are presented with a lot of choices. Their mind has a difficult time deciding which one is the "best" to choose from and are afraid of settling for the "wrong" choice. This can happen when choosing an item at a restaurant, a career or even a romantic partner.
Janelle: Amber just started dating a new guy....again..
Allison: What happened between her and David?
Janelle: Nothing, he was great, but she dumped him and got someone better.

Allison: That girl will never settle down. She's got FOBO fever.
by Digital Dreams November 10, 2019
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Someone who dresses up as a hobo to beg for money on the streets during the day, and then goes home to a nice house and family at the end of the day.
A fake hobo.
"Dude, I just watched that hobo put on full motorcycle garb and drive away on that BMW bike. He's GOTTA be a fobo."
by lumpybutt4000 December 22, 2008
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Come over to my place this weekend. We’re having a FOBO.
by Jdoggydawg May 2, 2019
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A faux beau or fake boyfriend. He sort of looks, acts, and plays the role of a boyfriend, but you don't see a future with him because he's not what you're looking for in a long-term relationship. Also known as a "placeholder."
"Hey, Angela. Is that your new man?"

"Nah, he's just a fobo."

faux beau placeholder boyfriend
by no_mo_foboz May 28, 2011
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People, usually ‘bros’, who fancy themselves ‘different’ or ‘artsy’ but are really just shallow stoners. Faux-bohemian.
That douche is a real FoBo.
by MayorOfToppyTown January 11, 2020
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