A hate symbol used by neo-nazis and the racist alt-right, typically Trump supporters. The symbol(#) makes two H's which stand for Heil Hitler.
by Coronatus May 27, 2019
A covert white supremacist symbol used by Neo-Nazis and members of the Alt-Right. The "fashtag" is identical to the popular hashtag or pound symbol used on social media, but it is used for nefarious purposes to promote white supremacy at Neo-Nazi rallies, and it is used in prisons, by the Aryan Brotherhood, for example. The symbol has only recently been outed as a hate symbol, thanks to Neo-Nazis on the notorious /pol/ section of the 4chan message board.
"John, you can't use the hashtag anymore. Apparently, it's a Neo-Nazi symbol referred to as the "fashtag." Don't you know the real meaning behind it?"
by JonBanksTheFifth June 3, 2019
"Hey guys, let's turn the hashtag into a hate symbol, we'll call it...THE FASHTAG!" - Some loser in his basement
by The Glorious Lobster Emperor May 29, 2019
Pronounced: Fash-tag
The process of pointlessly using a hashtag on facebook even though it serves no real purpose.
Someone whom fashtags often could be reffered to as a fashtagger or dickhead.
The process of pointlessly using a hashtag on facebook even though it serves no real purpose.
Someone whom fashtags often could be reffered to as a fashtagger or dickhead.
Facebook friends status:
Omg, I had such a radical time at the partay, lols. So much funnsies. Gettin hammered wiv friends #yoloright
*thinks to self* freakin Fashtaggers...
Omg, I had such a radical time at the partay, lols. So much funnsies. Gettin hammered wiv friends #yoloright
*thinks to self* freakin Fashtaggers...
by TheCapedCrudeSayer August 16, 2012