
believed to be derived from "far be it from the truth" or an anachronism of "Fast And Researchless Buying".

a derogatory term used in the hobby of historical reenacting in reference to participants who exhibit indifference to historical authenticity, either from a material-cultural standpoint or in action. It can also refer to the inauthentic materials used by those reenactors.

Also called "polyester soldiers," farbs are reenactors who spend relatively little of their time or money maintaining authenticity with regard to uniforms, accessories, or even period behavior. The 'Good Enough' attitude is pervasive among farbs, although even casual observers may be able to point out flaws.
Fred:"Did you see those reenactors eating McDonalds?"

Bob: "Yeah, I know, what farbs!"

"Look at that polyester dress that woman is wearing! What a farb."
by chaquageorge August 10, 2009
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Farb (N.) a person in a reenacting group (of any era, mainly U.S. Civil War and WWII) who does not wear the correct equiptment and/or uniforms and is too lazy to correct their impression.

Farby (Adj.) Something that is not correct to someone's historical impression. Or, someone who is a farb is said to be farby.
Ex: The man with the post war belt is a farb, because it is not WWII and that is what he is trying to portray.

Ex: That helmet you are wearing is farby, as it's not from WWII and you are trying to portray a WWII soldier.
by ChenKenichi December 30, 2005
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an inaccurate reenactor.
Usually wearing gray sweatshirt and pants and a paper had to complete their confederate uniform. They always want to know if there is anywhere out in california where they can campaign. Then they ride.
Paul Calloway and Mike "Dusty" Chapman are farbs.
by Patrick Landrum July 24, 2004
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A reenactor who is anachronistic. For instance using modern glasses with a Civil War uniform.

A contraction from "Far be it from me to complain, but..."
That newbie is farbing all over the unit.
by w.hithe April 25, 2008
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A very nonathletic person who is also a try-hard. Synonym for a NARP (nonathletic regular person). Can also apply to baseball players.

See also farbie.
"Have you met James? He's such a farb."
by ImAFarbieGirl April 2, 2017
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fat ass rugby bitch. Female rugby players that are fat and nasty and enjoy rolling in the mud for no freaking legit reason other than increasing their level of discustingness.
Look at those farbs beating each other up over that damn ball.
by the dude March 28, 2005
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a loser, dork, weirdo, loner, and any general insult to anything
1 "paul was looking like such a farb today"

2 " that paul is such a farb"

3 " paul sits in the corner farbing it up"
by yoyoyoitsrapperjoe3 July 4, 2009
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