In September 2022 singer Björk released a song titled „Fagurt Er í Fjörðum”, which became an inside joke in the Bjarb community, because the word „Fagurt” sounds like „Faggot”. „Fagurt” means beautiful in Icelandic.
-ur a fagurt
by Björk’s queef February 12, 2023
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Yougurt for gays, an actual product. increases stanmina,
Robert: Dude, sooooo hungry...
Jamie: Go grab some fagurt man
by Darkkayos0 November 22, 2007
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a word used by gay men to describe a high attractiveness level of another man. he is so sexy you want to eat him up like yogurt
person 1: Mmmm mmm jimmy-bob look at that delicious cup of fagurt standing at the bar.

person 2: i would eat him with a spoon bob

person 1: you dumb fag, i'd lick him up.
by Master Fagurt January 17, 2004
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faggot is mean so instead of using it as an insult you mix it with yogurt because who doesn't like yogurt unless you're lactose intolerant but then you can say fagurt which won't insult them unless they're gay AND lactose intolerant
you're a fagurt
by Sosadelarosa September 21, 2017
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