Someone who is obsessed with Facebook (usually a girl) it is rare for them to be offline. Facebook-Whores usually have a Facebook app on their phone, so they can easily check newsfeed, create new status's, add pictures ect. They usally don't have anything to do besides look at random peoples pictures, info,wall ect.
Sarah: "Mary is such a Facebook-Whore!"
Emily: "I know! She is always looking at random peoples stuff.."
by pseudonymousne phyn August 1, 2011
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Somebody who posts numerous statuses/pictures just to feel satisfaction from the number of likes they receive.
Deb: Did you see Ashley's posts last night about her getting engaged, being pregnant and eating delicious pizza?

Leif: Yes, she's a Facebook Whore.
by xxLGEND24xx April 9, 2013
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a person who comments on EVERYTHING and lurks on every possible status, picture, album, etc.
by nicole carnevale May 2, 2011
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Some one who spends more than 18 hours a day on Facebook.
Friend 1: OMFG dude i need to check my Facebook.

Friend 2: Your on Facebook all day everyday!

Friend 1: Your point?

Friend 2: Your a Facebook Whore
by TonyDaTiger8 June 17, 2010
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When people have over 2000 friends on Facebook.
It's like sleeping with tons of men/women except it's on Facebook and everyone can see it.
Me: Hey Mary! How many friends do you have on Facebook? I just hit 500!

Mary: Oh I have 3746. I just cleaned out my friends list so it's a little bit small.

Me: You Facebook whore...
by xMuz September 6, 2011
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A person who freinds there freinds freinds and even there freinds just because there freinds of there freinds
My little brother is such a Facebook Whore he freinded his best freinds ex girlfreinds
by immortal jack August 22, 2011
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either man or women who accept friend requests from people they dont know, or request to be friends with people they dont know. Both in excessive amounts.
"dude, who's this chick?"

"i dont know, someone"

"what a facebook whore you are"
by noodleking6767 March 29, 2009
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