A substitute for "excuse me" originating from Wayne's World 1 and 2. In the movies, Wayne will follow with "A baking powder?" in substitute of "beg your pardon."
by Ben effin White July 13, 2006
Exsqueeze me? Baking poweder?
by naz November 13, 2004
Fucking annoying amalgamation of 'Squeeze' and 'Excuse me'.
Perhaps used to be cool, when I was about 5, but is now used by timid fat women at work who want you to move, are passive aggressive and go all red in the face before they say it because really they want to hit you in the head with a broken bottle.
Perhaps used to be cool, when I was about 5, but is now used by timid fat women at work who want you to move, are passive aggressive and go all red in the face before they say it because really they want to hit you in the head with a broken bottle.
Inside Timid Woman's Head:
"This fat fucking cunt I want to finger fuck her whole family"
Outloud in a high-pitched whine:
"Exsqueeze me"
perhaps some more 'e's can be added:
"Exqueeeeeeeeze me"
"This fat fucking cunt I want to finger fuck her whole family"
Outloud in a high-pitched whine:
"Exsqueeze me"
perhaps some more 'e's can be added:
"Exqueeeeeeeeze me"
by Octopusswah June 29, 2006
Excuse me. Originates from the pronunciation of the phrase by Jar-Jar Binks in "Star Wars: Episode I".
"Exsqueeze me, where's the bathroom?"
by Kally July 22, 2004
It might be used in Wayne's World, but the character Ali Nadim uses this expression already in Mind Your Language from 1977.
by Bertram Heath November 5, 2021
Horny seventh graders, kids who want to be laughed at, and perverts will use this phrase when asking to be pardoned. You know what, they probably aren't even serious about being excused.
Seventh Grader- "Oh, exsqueeze me!"
Excuser- "The only thing I'm going to squeeze is your neck if you don't lay your hands off, you bastard!"
Excuser- "The only thing I'm going to squeeze is your neck if you don't lay your hands off, you bastard!"
by ILiveWhereTheApesHowl May 22, 2009