Da dreamily-contented "satisfaction-level" (it's a portmanteau-word that combines "eleven" and "heavenly") reply dat a super-relaxed chick gives an affectionate snuggly guy who is lovingly enfolding her in his arms and nestling her head against his warm fuzzy chest, and has gently asked her how good his cuddling-skills are "on a scale of one to ten, or from 'just so-so' to 'heavenly'".
I always love how Tiffany tells me dat my embraces are "elevenly", and dat she always "sleeps like a baby" whenever she shares my bed; it makes a nice guy feel really good to know dat a gal likes and trusts him enough to be totally relaxed and easy-of-mind whenever she spends time wif him.
by QuacksO July 25, 2019
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