The act of trying to summarize or explain a concept or principle to a person who is not going to be able to understand it and/or refuses to try, usually accompanied by the emotion of frustration for the dumbarizer.
I knew I was in for a long afternoon when I was told to dumbarize my presentation on sales projections for that pylon from head office.
by BijoutheCat September 1, 2011
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A term used to describe an incompetent man-child in his 30s who fails to realize that he is an adult.
Chad: Later, I'll catch you gents tomorrow 🤙 *Begins walking to car*
Alex: What does that say on your license plate?
Chad: Oh, it's my last name. My parents got the plates for me as a gift when I got my driver's license. Ya, all the teenagers in my day drove around in cars rocking with plates like these.
Marcus: In your day? I think your day was more than a few years ago Dumbar 🤙
by Prophet Dusk March 4, 2021
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combination of the words 'dumbass' and 'retar' (a retarded way of saying 'retard'). Usually used by dumbasses while having an argument with a dumbass to assert dominance. Chief dumbass in the dumbassery spectrum. You automatically lose every argument if someone calls you a dumbar.
Simon Cowell: Joe
Pooplus: Who's Joe?
Simon Cowell: Joe balls

Pooplus: fuck yuo dumbar
Simon Cowell: *contracts final stage penis cancer and dies*
Pooplus: kil
by bleekretar September 14, 2021
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