A older person who is scatter brained, overly aggressive, seeks attention, manic, needs validation from humans and animals, but also very pompous as well as a lonely lost soul living on social media with no actually life. They also live at home with their parents, they rely on them for their finances needs while verbal attacking, insulting and crying when they don't get their way. Overall it is someone who is manic, is a mental overload for others and causes issues no matter where their are.
-Wow John is a real dompster fire and I cant look away but can say I'm happy I never became their friend.
-Yo Bradley you need to stop being such a dompster and change your ways before they lock you away! narcotic
by Spastistic Neighbor March 6, 2022
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1) a very purple happy dino-octopus that walks down the street in a generally pleasing manner.
2) a different name for a smoking pipe called the pot-ness-monster that a few of the guests misinterpreted as the "flompy dompster"
1) "Dude, look at that flompy dompster" "Oh man, now I am in a good mood!!!"
2) "What is it called again?" *cough cough cough cough cough* "The Pot-ness-Monster" "Oh" *cough cough cough* "Flompy Dompster?"
by flompusdompus56 December 29, 2010
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