a person who partakes in sexual activities with large dogs of any kind, just to satisfy their beastly needs
he could be called dogtanian
i saw you on the back seat of a car with a dog on your knee, the windows were quite steamy but i could just about see......he was a dog shagger !!
by john p foster August 16, 2006
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Someone who is lazy and never does his job.
Person A: 'Has Tyler finished his work yet?'
Person B: 'No, he's outside having a smoke'
Person A: 'What an absolute Dog Shagger
by dog shagger March 16, 2018
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A person who In deeply looks and smells like a shagged wet dog and goes around thinking there all that when they speak from there arse and shag wet dogs
Oh look it's one of those arse wiping dog shaggers.'
by justanotherscottishbolk June 8, 2016
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