Babies born to soldier's wives after they have been deployed overseas to fight.

Pictures of pregnant women with their soon to be departing soldiers represent the symbolism of what a deployment baby is.

Unique for war times.

Usually, the mother is a respectable woman, unless she is a deployment slut
John: Hey, why are you so said, mate?
Roger: My wife is 8 months pregnant with twins, and we are still on tour for another seven months...
John: Well, now you can be the proud father of deployment babies.
Roger: If we make it out of here...
by g-diggity June 21, 2008
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A male best friend who stands in for some daddy roles while the birth father is deployed. Must be agreed upon by both birth mother and birth father
Mat, Kyle said you are the deployment baby daddy while he is overseas. Time to help with the diapers, feedings, cuddling, and going places with me.
by Daddy_Mattie January 11, 2018
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