Like a debate, but between friends where the issues being picked apart are not countered but elaborated upon further, by each who agree on the side being adopted.
Me, Jim and Jana finished our demate on the flaws of the movie we just watched over drinks.
by CallumFoster December 23, 2019
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To move (a space shuttle orbiter) off the back of an aircraft that can carry it.
1. Did you demate the connectors yet?
2. There are like only four Mate-Demate Devices
3. I did an accidental pull-check on the ROV connectors before demating them and now the locking mechanism is broken...
by AQ June 21, 2016
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The creation of an argument when there is no issue present.
My girlfriend constantly demates at the most random times.
by Tracey & Penny December 15, 2018
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