
'daNN' means the state of feeling absolute. It is also a description and explanation one could use when he or she smiles at random times for no reason.
A: You're smiling all by yourself. What is wrong with you?

B: Oh nothing. I was just daNNing.

A: Weirdo.

B: Don't get angry at me just because you've never experienced daNN.
by his jelitawan May 30, 2009
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A cool and strong dude

he is fucking awesome

he wrestles bears at day and at night and he kills vampires his arms tied to his back
Danne is cool
by Gunnar-gunnarsson February 13, 2010
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Wow, Dann is a true alpha male. Much better than that ConkerHax cuck!
by DoubleADewi November 4, 2017
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Danne was born in Switzerland in the spring of 1974. He was placed in a basket and tossed into a river immediately following his birth. After traveling downstream for miles, he was found by a young Milanese woman who raised him, naming him Danne after her father.

Danne was diagnosed with a condition called phallumegally (bigness of penis) at a young age. He grew up unable to ride a bike or feel comfortable in a locker room or a regular pair of shorts. He has applied for penis reduction surgery many times, but the doctors have said that, sadly, that is not an option.

He is the founder of Danne Industries International Unlimited Global Inc., or DIIUGI, and was once named billionaire of the week by Big Business Journal.
Danne is the richest person in the world
by HOHOHOHOHOOHHHcrack-whore October 1, 2021
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Alternative spelling of the nickname "Dan".
Dann:"Fuuuck, everyone's stealing my goddamn nickname"
Fake Dann:"z0mg tahts mi name"
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Throwing up in a pool or any body of water as a result of not waiting 20 or so minutes after eating a large meal
Awwww man Ed jumped in the pool after lunch and chucked a huge Dann everywhere, what an asshole!
by anonymous6425 January 26, 2012
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The type of guy to go to a UC school then work in Switzerland for 10 years and then buy a farm. He is cool, is baldish, and always has his students' best interests in mind.
Man that guy's such a Dann. You're so lucky to have him for Physics
by frustratedEngineer May 11, 2021
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