clear, as in 'crystal clear'
"I made it crystal that I wasn't into him."

"He has made it crystal that he has no interest in her whatsoever."
"The way she explained things, made it crystal."
"Are we crystal on that?" "Crystal."
by ninotchka2 August 19, 2014
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Her name is Crystal, can't get any clearer than that
by csabyc May 30, 2017
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nick-named "crystal meth" because people easily get addicted to her sense of humor and sexiness, she is a blue-eyed mexican with glow-in-the-dark nipples who knows how to party. she is always in heat, and can be lured to bed with geraniums and crunchy shrimp-tempura rolls.
she can be spotted tearing up the streets of SD with her friend V and other celebrities of the like, but she has the power to vanish into thin air... so keep your cameras ready!
"OMFG was that crystal meth?! i am obsessed!"
"are her nipples glowing?"
by veee April 16, 2007
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Crystal - as in "solid", or "cool", like "are we cool?" "crystal."
1: Are we cool?
2: Crystal.

1: Yeah dude, it was totally awesome!
2: Crystal.

1: Are you ok?
2: Crystal

Instead of "Cooooooooool", use "Crystal".
by Cronoberrychef2 October 6, 2009
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a total crackhead who fucks the next bitch as quickly as she changes juul pods fucks up her phone harder that bill Cosby's next victim loves tripping harder than a baby giraffe on acid
crystal is on sum weird shit
by hgcgeglg September 23, 2019
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cant get any hoes cause she be ugly
crystal is a homeless
by Kerlin solis October 9, 2020
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