
A nickname used to describe Harry Styles's ex-beard Camille Rowe based off Harry's song Cherry. It is predominantly used by "larries" who believe that Harry is dating ex-bandmate Louis Tomlinson
Person 1: "Did you see that article on Harry and coucou's relationship?"
Person 2: "Yeah its really dumb"
by thatonequeergirl February 16, 2021
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French word.

Means "hello", "hi", in familiar language.
by 820i January 5, 2005
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Coucou is a name used by “harries” and “Larries” to use on Harry Styles’ crazy ‘ex-girlfriend’ Camille Rowe. The name started when Harry Styles wrote a song on his album Fine Line called Cherry and Camille is talking French at the end of the song (which is scary) and she says coucou. So then fans started calling her couco.
Person 1: Did you see what coucou posted on her Instagram??

Person 2: Yeah… it was a bit crazy
by TaylorSwiftCoochieLicker July 1, 2021
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A named used by Harry Styles fanbase “harries” to call his ex Camille Rowe.
Have you heard cherry by Harry Styles? Miss coucou broke his heart so badly.
by Mellowsmedicine August 23, 2020
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