Short for commodore, commonwhore, a pos Australian mass-market family car with 80yo technology. Vehicle of choice for bogans (esp with V8) and company car fleets. See falcodore.
by sideways April 29, 2004
All-embracing Aussie slang for: communist, Marxist, Trotskyite, Maoist, militant unionist, anyone left wing; or of that ilk
by Remember the 50's April 4, 2006
by Cooly158 July 31, 2018
When your intestines rumble so bad your entire body shakes, forcing you to run to the head sharting yourself on the way down. After dropping half the load on yourself you hover over the toilet and explosive diarrhea all over the seat...only to find a grande latte mocha looking shit with extra whipped cream because a guy came in your ass the night before. Enlarged hemorrhoids shortly follow.
Dude 1 "Last night's party was insane!"
Dude 2 "It was silly insane, this morning i took a huge Commo in the dude's house, hope he has a maid!"
Dude 2 "It was silly insane, this morning i took a huge Commo in the dude's house, hope he has a maid!"
by Strick9 October 8, 2008
When someone says something that you are proud of it is that they are also proud about. It is a mutual proudness.
For example, if Talia says "well done, you made very nice food!". And person A says "Commo Commo" because she is happy she ate after not pooing for 3 weeks.
by rosie.richardson123232 June 16, 2022