You, reading this now: "Fuck, I hate this definition, written by this obvious (insert hated political party here), douche bag, but a "thumbs-down" button doesn't properly quantify the rage with which I would cram sharp, pointy objects up his ass, where I given the chance... If only there were a COMMENTS SECTION, I could at least let them know my feelings by saying something whitty, like 'shut-up, commi scumbag' , that would teach 'em"
by StrongDynamics September 28, 2020
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To re-evaluate a comment made in a source to not fence sit nor be on the defensive. A track back is to re-evaluate and come to a common understanding.
Commenter: All these pop like songs are gay
Commenter 2: What's gay about them? How can a song be gay?
Commenter: Oh sorry, I meant gay as in the connotation definition doesn't sound good to me in my opinion.

Commenter 2: Oh, all good. Yah, I don't really like this song too much either. I'd just clarify more with gay as it's used more positively nowadays.

Commenter: I got you and no offense. Didn't mean it that way.

Commenter 2: All good mate. You like rock?

Commenter: Yah, some old-based rock tho.

Commenter 2: Dude, you should try ACDC or Highway to Hell

Commenter: Bro! I love that song thx!

Commenter 3: {scripture}

Commenter 4: Please, don't use scripture like that. We respect your beliefs but this isn't the place. Please respect ours.

Commenter 3: I'm sorry, I just believe { } but I'll try other places. What would be good ways of sharing?
Commenter 4: I'd prob. be more open if you related your belief in a way and then asked if I were more open. Just posting scripture turns me off a bit and makes me feel judged personally though.

Commenter 3: Ah, I understand. I know when someone did { } before it also turned me off. ...... contin.

Commenter 4: Gotcha, I might look into it but currently I'm happy and solidified in my own beliefs.

Commenter 3: Gotcha, no harm intended.

Commenter 4: All good.

Trackback Comment process
by Trackback August 31, 2022
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A person who by determination of social networks is privy to the fact you believe in GOD AND JESUS CHRIST they themselves are atheistic and make an off color spite based comment.

CHARLES THOMAS MUNGER formerly THE TOP EXECUTIVE in BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY says" "social status does not exist " in a YOU TUBE based video interview.
As knowing the fact this individual is suffering from gross indigency , a person leaving a restaurant who is well taken care of makes the most predictable PHONY RELIGIOUS FAITHLESD COMMENT , " PRAY " and that individual being ANAL ALAN answer , " PRAY only exists , if you you self are generous as did it matter a PREY MENACE saved your LIFE in a natural disaster or would you have rather died knowing that fact they were that themselves that kind of low LIFE humanity.

All these ZOMBIE ASSHOLES are running around making PHONY RELIGIOUS FAITHLESS COMMENTS to supposed , " people who in their humble opinion are low life's I SCUM for their human transgressions.
by NOBLE PEACE SUNDER EEE December 18, 2021
Self explanitory - before you even think about pressing the 'reply' button and publishing your brilliant intellectual thinking for the ENTIRE WORLD to see just make sure that your spelling, punctuation, meanings and meanderings are something that you stand behind 100% O.K.?
Just use your Comment-sense this time, Billy!!!!!
by towilmusic April 19, 2021
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when someone stutters are they say cum comment
ok so he cum commented... i mean commented”
by sectionleader69420 August 30, 2019
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An irrationally biased and narrow-viewed blog writer, typically unable to articulate the fundamental premises of multi-faceted arguments or opposing views. Prone to repeating a single point of (often mistaken) drivel by way of meaningless mantra repetitions.
One who offers no significant input into a public debate, though emitting a distracting noise; the subject of public scorn and social rejection.
idiot moron racist anti-noonie mouse One-Solution One-Solution Commentator
by Expat Georgia April 22, 2009
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