Jake? Who is Jake? He is amazing

Jake is from TikTok. With the best account called @comiit. He is the best person ever if you think Jake wrote this you are wrong
Jake is cool comiit

Jake is the best cowboy comiit
Jake is amazing comiit
by batzloveiscoolerthanyou April 5, 2021
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Comiit = Jake
Jake is the best person on this earth. He is perfect and I wish I was him. His eyes his face are to die for. Did Jake write this?...no..why the fuck would you think that? Ofcourse not. Jake is a very cool smart human being he would not take his day writing about himself, what do you take him for? This is not Jake.
Cool things about Jake?
His name is Jake
Woah Jake is so cool
Jake? I wish I looked like him
I wonder if I can ever be like Jake

Comiit is a cool cosplayer

Jake definitely didn’t write this
by Comiit April 4, 2021
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