Verb. To apply a cold can (usually of beer) to the back of the neck of someone else.
Damnit Bill! I told you to stop cold canning me!
by TangClock July 22, 2009
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A term used by the Scottish when referring to a Canadian person
by Seaniev4 December 1, 2016
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Believing one's canned drink will be cold by feeling the temperature of the can, only to then taste the warm liquid inside. May be used as an acronym (ccs). Also applies to bottles (cbs).
Person 1: The beers seem cold enough to drink, do you want one?
Person 2: Nah, I just put them in the fridge, you must have cold can syndrome.

Damn, the can was so cold I coulda sworn this wouldn't be so warm and gross! CCS is the worst...
by Unsatisfied Drinker August 17, 2010
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