What you call your anus after having smuggled cocaine inside of it.
Roberto: Carlos, run the border patrol has spotted us!

Carlos: I can’t. These bags are gonna burst inside my cocainus.
by Patty Papperman February 15, 2019
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When you snort cocaine from someone's anus.
Dad: What did you and your girlfriend do yesterday?
Tyrone: We just did a bit of cocainus!
Dad: Aaaaaahhhh, I remember when your mom and I used do that. A LOT of cocainus have been done during my days haha.
Tyrone: Nice.
by sadboigladboi October 2, 2019
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The rare act of rimming ones anus with cocaine to induce a slower, deeper, high.
"I can't believe I just saw Raj do cocainus! He's fucking crazy!"
by Jordan B September 16, 2005
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The action of putting cocaine on/in the anus of an individual and inhaling it off/out.
Justin: Hey, Joe, did you hear I gave Samantha a cocainus last night?
Joe: Bro, that shit was crazy, I can’t believe you’re into that stuff.
by bootyconsumer123 May 9, 2018
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