When you are mentally and physically drained, to where you can’t be by people because you feel so overwhelmed. Clocking out mentally is a phrase to let people know you’re almost done with everything life etc.
I’m clocking out mentally today, I’m not feeling it today”
by Milfsvoid March 10, 2023
Clocking out of work immediately after your shift ends so you don't get roped into staying later.
Me: Ugh Brittney asked me to stay later to help clean the floors.

Friend: Dude you're shift already ended, clock out walk out.
by Sarah_1311 August 27, 2014
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To "call it a day" at work so you can go party.
EMPLOYEE #1: Hey, dude, you coming to happy hour?
EMPLOYEE #2: Hells yeah! It's time to clock out with my cock out!
by StupidExpressions.com October 1, 2009
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The variation of a Netflix and Chill, where one will come over to the other's house for only pleasure and no strings attached. It is usually associated with someone getting into a relationship only to keep the other one around for pleasure (sex). These relationships are mostly short-termed.
A: Did you clock in last night?
B: Ya broo, another clock in, ape out at her place.
by Silence2772 January 6, 2018
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