The power of a magical creature to change size or shape to fill available space, either to escape danger, or adjust to a new home. Creatures such as the Occamy have the gift of choranaptyxis, making them easily able to escape capture.
Newt Scamander: Occamies are choranaptyxic, so they change size to fill available space. ( Traps shrinking Occamy in teapot.)
by Keepingitbad@$$24/7 December 29, 2018
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A word invented by the legendary JK Rowling, to describe the ability of a magical creature to change size to fill available space, either to escape danger, or adjust to a new home. Fantastic Beasts such as the Occamy were choranaptyxic, making them easily able to escape capture.
Newt Scamander: "Occamies are choranaptyxic, so they can grow or shrink to fill available space". ( Traps escaped Occamy in teapot).
by Keepingitbad@$$24/7 December 30, 2019
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The ability of a creature to shift size or shape to fill available space, either to hide or adjust to a new home. Magical beasts such as the Occamy have the gift of choranaptyxis, making them easily able to escape capture.
Newt Scamander: Occamies are choranaptyxic, so they can grow or shrink to fit available space. ( Traps rogue Occamy in teapot.)
by Keepingitbad@$$24/7 December 29, 2018
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