a man thats has a mole that resembles a chocolate chip on his face and also wears a seedy metallica shirt every day and is a smell boogen
man that guys a boogen. nar not as boogen as choc chip
by eddie and troy June 10, 2004
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When a man has anal sex with a woman and then ejaculates in a her vagina during her menstrual cycle.
The combination of fecal matter, semen and blood from the menstrual cycle creates the ultimate Choc Chip Strawberry Smoothie.
Andrew: Hey, what's your favorite smoothie of all time?
Alex: I like strawberry smoothies. Whats yours?
Andrew: It would have to be the CHOC CHIP STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE
by Stretche March 21, 2016
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“I think you need to check your grots Bruv. That one sounded like you whistled choc chips!”, “I had the trots so bad I had to throw four pairs of pants away yesterday. Every time I farted, I was whistling choc chips! It ruined the wedding.”
by Nuphagus November 14, 2019
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