a quality of being carnageously tenacious. Persisting in carnage and other riotous and ridiculous acts, even in the face of potential obstacles such as trouble with the authorities, physical trauma, and/or death.
Dude, if we weren't so carnacious at that party and started a riot, that mondo DJ wouldn't have played that extra set!
by NDGC September 9, 2009
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Consuming so much meat that you reach a state of flesh-induced delirium.

Derived from the combination of Carnivore (meat consumer) + Lunacy (the state of being a lunatic, or crazy as a result of being moonstruck)
I'm in a serious case of Carnacy from last night's BBQ.
by CarnacyCreator February 13, 2014
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The man with a plan, and that plan is to get crunk. A carnacious individual is the life of the party. If you see a lot of swagger, say carnacious.
Never stopping, always raging, that's carnacious.
by ChronDonZ October 1, 2011
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