Call Me Anything

The amazing band formerly known as "White Rose"
Consists of Will Tenney, Brandyn Dougan and Matt Mcnulty.

From the little state of Connecticut. The band is basically the raddest thing on the east coast. If you know them, youre automatically 20x cooler.
Person 1: The band Call Me Anything is amazing.
Person 2: You're 20x cooler because you said that
by callmeanythingisthebomb January 23, 2011
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Call Me Kevin

An Irish YouTuber that plays a mix of modern and classic video games. His videos are very humorous, and he often messes around with games and plays them in unintended ways instead of trying to complete them. He has created many well-known characters who appear in his videos, such as the Dear Leader Jim Pickens and Turg.
Person A: Did you hear, Call Me Kevin's got 2 million subscribers.
Person B: Yeah, I'm so happy for him!
by UltraHylia July 30, 2020
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call me someday

What you tell someone when you have no intention of calling them back
I had fun tonight. You should give me a call sometime!
by Shortcake79 April 23, 2004
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call me on tuesday

Boy: Your pretty, can we go out on a date?
Girl: Call me on Tuesday.
by sKandelous September 25, 2010
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call me mommy

The women thinks her self as the giant one while dominanting the submissive partner which it she might call baby the women considers herself as his so called mommy
She told him to "call me mommy"
by RealRacer May 27, 2023
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call me dutch

Call me Dutch
Means to be very laid back and chill, and one can only be called Dutch if they have the logo "Call Me Dutch" on a select piece of clothing (for example: Hats, shirts, shoes, etc..)

You aren't one to do any drugs or alcohol but you still manage to have a good tiime.
Person 1: Dang you're really cool and chill af
Person 2 (with the logo "Call Me Dutch"): Just Call me Dutch.
by DutchIsIn October 20, 2013
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jew call me

How most people say "Did You Call Me?"
Slow the fuck down when you talk and you won't sound like such a German!
Kevin: "Jew call me last night?"
Corey: "Please slow down when you talk Kevin. You just said the word jew."
by M Dogg March 26, 2005
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