by tommy. August 21, 2003
A newly emerging unit of measurement. Created to measure the level of a combination of feelings including euphoria, ecstasy, excitement (usually but not limited to non sexual excitement), light-heartedness, and general glee in any said person. The boomb is a linear dynamic unit which scales its self to the person performing the measurement, or the observer/listener.
One boomb is defined as “the level of positive feelings and emotions experienced whilst listening to one’s favourite song”. Zero boombs is the level of positive feelings and emotions experienced whilst in a comatose state. The boombasticness of any given event is therefore measured relative to a predetermined level of emotion, which any observer/listener can scale to their own experiences.
The unit’s primary function is to convey to others exactly how enjoyable, exiting and exhilarating a particular event is, surpassing the current standard of conveying the experience of an event, for example “It was really good”.
One boomb is defined as “the level of positive feelings and emotions experienced whilst listening to one’s favourite song”. Zero boombs is the level of positive feelings and emotions experienced whilst in a comatose state. The boombasticness of any given event is therefore measured relative to a predetermined level of emotion, which any observer/listener can scale to their own experiences.
The unit’s primary function is to convey to others exactly how enjoyable, exiting and exhilarating a particular event is, surpassing the current standard of conveying the experience of an event, for example “It was really good”.
Pers. A. “dude, how boombastic was the river (In reference to some extreme white water kayaking) today?”
Pers. B. “like 45 boombs, it was gnarly!”
Pers. A. “That lecture on architectural history and theory was lacking boombasticness.”
Pers. B. “Yeah, I was registering 0.05 boombs”
Pers. A. “Dam, life is pretty boombastic at the moment.”
Pers. B. “Yeah, I love being me. I was averaging 10 boombs yesterday.”
Pers. B. “like 45 boombs, it was gnarly!”
Pers. A. “That lecture on architectural history and theory was lacking boombasticness.”
Pers. B. “Yeah, I was registering 0.05 boombs”
Pers. A. “Dam, life is pretty boombastic at the moment.”
Pers. B. “Yeah, I love being me. I was averaging 10 boombs yesterday.”
by GoldfishGobbler March 30, 2007
by yourmomstinks December 30, 2008
by Thizzxle July 13, 2009
Being biggie cheese or related to him
by Swaggeth January 15, 2023
by simotastic June 13, 2009