A word made up by advertising executives for a car that is apparently small to drive but has lots of room inside.
"Quick, lets think of a word that describes this car"
"It's small, yet feels big. How about bigsmall?"
"Whatever, now lets go down the pub"
by krefty May 4, 2006
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1. (adj.) Something small that has the characteristics of something much bigger.

2. (adj.) Advertising Bullshit.
1. That car is bigsmall.

2. Next you'll be telling us that "bigsmall" isn't just a load of crap made up to convince us that a product is something it isn't.
by Thos April 6, 2006
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adj. Something small that has the characteristics of something much bigger than itself.

This can be in terms of space, quality, design, performance, safety.

First and best use was as a description of the Yaris.
the toyota yaris is bigsmall, the mini corsa is just mini
by Clement Freud January 20, 2006
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something small that has the characteristics of something much bigger.
'that mini corsa is bigsmall'
by bellamorte January 4, 2006
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