A chalet. Mobile phone predictive text for the word 'chalet' is bicket.
We're going on holiday and we'll be staying in a bicket.
by badteacake May 1, 2009
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Creeper with tourettes that likes to hit on any woman in sight. Often scares them off to the point where they never return and go home to cry to their mothers about how they were just mentally molested by a bicket.
"Who let the bicket in?! Now all the women are going to leave."
by ramsfacker November 15, 2009
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bicket: anyone except casey and breanne; perferbably michael and andrew.
by Andrew Daniel Selters January 31, 2005
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Any piece of trash with no style and is a complete asshole to everyone. Ways to tell if some one is a Bicket are:

1: if they have no style what so ever.
2: If they are a racist asshole.
3: if he has a "tough guy" attitude but is in fact
nothing but a complete pussy nugget
Oh my goodness, Marcos is such a bicket! he's so racist its not even funny!
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The act of dropping a vast and toxic smelling turd in the shitter that reminds you of the most repulsive person you have ever meet
oh man, i was taking a bicket last night and when i looked in the pan, i couldn't believe my eye's! There was Steve looking up at me! I flushed that mother fucker real quick!
by Paul T Horgan September 24, 2008
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