Normal human: Hitler was an evil fascist murderer.
Reddit/4chan-dwelling "Historian": HiTlEr wAs a BaSeD OmEgAcHaD!!1!
by sadman488 January 17, 2022
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Bojan Polovina
I heard that you pulled Bojan Polovina, that's so based of you.
by Copa zivotin October 7, 2021
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Based is anything unique, standing with the truth whatever the world thinks or does, standing for the truth, and not following the path like a sheep, maybe the road not taken that has made all the difference. Based also means showing positive masculinity wherever possible, risking your own life for someone needing help as when shit hits the fan, no one hides behind a feminist, and keeping in mind that being based doesn’t include simping or being chivalrous to get the h*le.

-By Vivek Singh Owner and Publisher of and admin of @realBasedDepartmentFacebookPage- facebook page.
Example 1: Woody Harrelson is based

Example 2: Lady ‘kidnapped by fake Uber driver’ rescued by disturbing note handed to stranger

Example 3: ‘Dad fixing a heart he didn’t break’: My boyfriend broke up with me a week before our European holiday – so my dad came instead

Example 4: ‘I got home to find someone parked in my drive – so I ruined their weekend’

For more examples visit:

Please follow our page Based Department for more Based Memes and news.
by ddeess October 9, 2023
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True American Patriot: I Am going to join the Enclave in Fallout: New Vegas

Donald Trump: Based
by Backrooms crip member June 17, 2022
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Porn hub is good for my health”
by Eric Cartman948 August 20, 2021
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biased, but for instead of against
His take on the political situation was really based.
by based_bobthebuilder February 12, 2022
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