1. Relating to something sexual, as in banging someone.

2. Something generally good or cool.
1. guy 1 "Dude I banged her real good!"
guy 2 "Bam chicka wao wao!"
2. guy 1 "I just got a mustang, bitch!"
guy 2 "Bam chicka wao wao!"
by Pyrosity April 18, 2005
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Music played in 1970's blaxploitation films, usually played during chase scenes or when something is "going down"
Theme from Shaft (instrumental):
chicka-chicka, chicka-chicka
chicka-chicka, chicka-chicka
chicka-chicka, chicka-chicka
bam chicka wow wow

Other examples: "Superfly", "Pusher Man"
by Minque June 22, 2006
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