A stupid fuck dumbass piece of shit that decided to be in my browser at the worst time. It’s an unpopular infamous piece of horse shit that was made by some dumbfuck ass brain cheesecock russian to infect other’s searches, it only does annoying shit like redirect you to Bing. Or even porn sites. Don’t worry I’m on my phone right now so Safari is safe, but I do gotta tell you be careful. I do blame my brother for clicking random ads.
Jaden: hey sweetie, got my mothers day present?
Jackson: Hold on mother, I was sending you gifts, but ationwindon decided to infect my asshole so now I just ordered you 125 milf cut-outs, 647 dildos, and now there are about 1.4 million men who want to fuck you right now.
by ☆★Midas★☆ May 10, 2022
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