Something you might chant insultingly at a fat person
Who ate all the pies?! Who ate all the pies?! You fat bastard! You fat bastard! You ate all the pies!!!
by MB October 30, 2004
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British jest to be used as a way of saying "he is fat" or used to annoy the french.

"Qui-a-mangé toute les tourtes?"
Who ate all the pies?

Who ate all the pies?



YOU ate all the pies!
by Gumba Gumba March 6, 2004
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An indication that a Frenchman has entered the room.
Qui-a-mangé toute les tourtes?
by Kung-Fu Jesus June 8, 2004
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Someone who eats and eats and eats until they get so fat ! They cant play basket ball to save their life ! and everytime u fall into them u bounce of them ! Also, they chew their USB string until it turns brown and horrible !
We all no who that is : CHRIS J
by Choco Rocko May 1, 2005
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