The result of shoving a crack baby and Ms. Streisend up your ass, and then rub the sphincter three times in a row. You will only get one wish. He will always include a homosexual in your wish, so be careful, unless you are gay.
Tim asked the ass genie to give him a million dollars, but he got a homosexual made of a million dollars.
by Nipple Dick October 1, 2006
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the person everyone knows, that think that they are magically smart all of the sudden, especially in social situations when they are gossiping, humuliating in some form or other of someone else because they appear to be weak, or unknown(ususlly someone who they are jealous of or want to be like
last night (no name mentioned, they already know anyway) was being such a genie-ass! i couln't help but run away so i wouldn't laugh!
by chonie pockets July 11, 2008
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