ass gas

by d October 2, 2003
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ass gas

Term my grandmother used to refer to farts that have been both squashed and amplified by sitting in a leather reclinign chair during the release.
If it wasn't my grandmother, I would have told the supplier of the ass gas to drop dead in an effort to shut their asshole.
by Dead Menace August 7, 2009
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ass gas

person 1: what the fuck is that smell
person 2: shiit smells like ass gas
person3: gross
by tehnewmemes October 7, 2017
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ass gas or grass

The most acceptable forms of payment for the favor of being given a ride to any destination. Roughly translates to: money, weed, or sex (oral sex is also acceptable). Gifts should be given promptly and without hesitation.
Brian: Well, here we are.

Girl: Aw, well thanks for the ride Brian-

*she begins to exit the car*

Brian: Hey- hey, hey! Not so fast, its ass gas or grass in this car, bitch. And it seems I've got a full tank and plenty of the fine erb, so uhhh... *nods head, indicating genitals*
by BES the best July 3, 2006
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ass, gas or grass

The toll for riding in anothers vehicle. Only one is required in trade.
If your riding with me you better give up some ass, gas or grass
by garbage eater March 26, 2009
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ass gas or grass

If someone is asking you for a ride and you don´t feel the need to give it away for nothing, it´s a good opportunity to ask for "ass, gas or grass".

Meaning you wish to take advantage of the situation by getting a good fuck, some bucks for the gas you´re gonna need or at least something to get a buzz from.

(Maybe one of you might describe it better, as I´m by no means a native speaker!)
"You wanna go to Mexico with me? Take a ride? Well, what´s your currency...
ass gas or grass ?
Nobody rides for free, you know?!"
by Fichtelschwein February 4, 2010
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atomic ass gas

the worst smelling fart know to man that burns your ass hole
I no longer have any nose hairs left due to your atomic ass gas.
by itsme1978 October 21, 2013
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