completely wiping someone out and all their traces of ever existing. One moment they exist, and the other not anymore.
"John, please don't commit complete annihilation again, I'm begging you."
by I hate gacha life December 14, 2022
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The leader of CommunismUSA. Combination of Thot and Annihilator
by Ryuugamine Dotachin December 12, 2017
A phrase used to indicate when a male's cock is soo big, no women is physically able to capacitate the extreme size or thickness of the cock. Hence the name Annihilator, because any women attempting sex with a man with this sized cock is effectively "Annihilated"
"I lost my virginity, but with that I also lost the ability to ever have sex again" - Helen

"It's not worth having annihilator complex to give up sex, I must find bigger clunge" - Jake
by Classmantwo June 9, 2011
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When you was been roasted, and cant make a good comeback. just annihilate urself
the xXfishkiller69Xx: ur mom gay
you: oh shit, i was been roasted. time to Annihilate myself.
by Nexasfexashit January 29, 2019
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When any inconvenience has come to you, you say you have been annihilated.
Tim: What do you think of my hair
John: It’s ugly no offense
Tim: You just annihilated mt self esteem lol
by Its_Shrimp_In_A_bag April 8, 2019
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an•ni•hi•late (əˈnaɪ əˌleɪt)

v.t. -lat•ed, -lat•ing.
1. to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence.
2. to destroy the collective existence or main body of; wipe out: to annihilate an army.
3. to defeat completely; vanquish: Our team was annihilated in the playoffs.
4. to annul; make void.
5. to cancel the effect of; nullify.
6. Physics. to convert rest mass into energy in the form of one or more photons: A particleannihilates its antiparticle.
1350–1400; Middle English adnichilat(e) destroyed < Late Latin annihilātus, past participle of annihilāre to destroy = Latin an- an-2 + -nihilāre, v. derivative of nihil nothing
an•ni′hi•la`tive (-əˌleɪ tɪv, -ə lə-) an•ni′hi•la•to`ry (-ə ləˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i) adj.
an•ni`hi•la′tion, n.
an•ni′hi•la`tor, n.

fvck all that Annihilate gotta come from the Ancient Near East goddess of War & Fertility - DEATH & REBIRTH - ANAT. Hold up, lemme go git it right quick... go:

"Anat, also ‘Anat, was a major northwest Semitic goddess who was also worshiped in ancient Egypt. In Ugaritic her name appears as ‘nt and in Greek as Αναθ (transliterated Anath). She was a powerful goddess of war and fertility, honored as a protector, agent of vengeance, and bearer of life. A daughter of the chief god El, she was also the sister of the mighty Ba'al. She is prominently mentioned in the important Urgaritic myth known as the Baal Cycle as well as in ancient Egyptian monuments..."

SEE? fax y'all we been lied to our whole lives WE WUZ KANGS N SHIT
I went shopping at midnight.

I guess you could say, I was in AN AISLE LATE - get it? An Aisle Late? Like "Annihilate"? Lmao, right guys?
by Ithim Bhur Cait October 7, 2021
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