When someone has has way too many tacos at the party and fucked up your bathroom.
Frank: Did you see Tommy? He had like 40 of your mom's 'special tacos'

Bobby: Yeah that kid has some serious anal thunder right now, I wouldn't use your bathroom for a couple of days.
by purplegator October 22, 2010
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When you eat too much mexican food and beans and you drink an energy drink, it creates a waste thunder storm.
Dude you should of been there last night, it was like Anal Thunder!
by Nintendo69 February 15, 2013
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What you call someone when they dish out a random insult and you dont feel like playing that game
Foreman: Douchebag
Cunningham: Don't even start with me you Anal Retentive Thunder Cunt
by Grandmahsta J July 11, 2008
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