alpha widow

A woman, usually with average sexual market value (SMV), who sleeps with a high sexual market value male , a/k/a the alpha male, who does not wish to have a long-term relationship with the woman. The woman views the alpha male as superior to most, if not all, of the other men pursuing her, and so the woman continues to lust after the alpha male she cannot have, sacrificing future long-term relationships with lower-SMV men, making her a "widow", in a sense, to the original alpha male.
Jane could never seem to get over her one true love, Rocco, even after she was married to John. Jane must be an alpha widow.
by Bolo919 December 2, 2017
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Alpha Widow

A woman (typically but not necessarily post-wall) who has been abandoned by an Alpha male. No matter how great her new man is, she will perceive him as failing to meet the standard of the alpha she was previously associated with. Due to hypergamy, a woman cannot date backwards, once she gets say, a male 8, she cannot date below a male 8 and be happy with him. If she does, she is just using said man for resources (Beta Bucks) and doesn't really love him. Essentially, a damaged woman accustomed to a tier of man she can no longer attract.
Karen was alpha widowed after a one-night-stand in college, and rejected all suitors that didn't live up to Chad. She is now old, single, lonely with 3 cats.
by th0tttt_patr0l July 2, 2019
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Alpha Movie Widow

That you can never watch a movie again with an Acotor that was so good in that movie, not this one. That there always be a refference to that movie because the actor was so good!
That somebody cannot see a actor in the movie they are watching but only remembers the other movie like Alpha Movie Widow
by BBJa32lCaaY January 19, 2024
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Alpha widow

A woman who obsesses over the image of a man. Although she can live a normal life and move on she feels a void. If she’s able to remeet the man if she’s sensible she’ll see he was nothing she imagine. If unsensible will go back to him despite his red flags.

People who suffer from alpha widow syndrome are able to live normal lives and grow and find someone better but the image they gave a person distorts reality so they’re not able to see things for how they are.
The spiritual may also call this a soul tie.
She’s suffering from alpha widow syndrome so she won’t come out of her head.
by Unija777 February 12, 2024
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