Alanon is not Alcoholics Anonymous. Alanon is a loose organization of support groups for those who have close personal relationships with alcoholics, people who may or may not be alcoholics themselves.
Question: why do Alanons close their eyes during sex? Answer: they can't stand to see an alcoholic having a good time.
by RPM April 19, 2004
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Alcoholics Anonymous: a group where people who have trouble with drinking go to meet with other people in the same situation.
See you at alanon next week!
by AI November 7, 2002
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noun 1. A sickness developed within alanon groups, and it's members. It is manifested in the least intelligent and least logical members of the group. Common everyday assholes become alcoholics and addicts to the member with alanon-itis.
Mary: So then he totally cut in line in front of me.
Julie: Mary, honey. He's an addict. I can tell. Jimmy did that once, and, I'll bet without a doubt, he was buying liquor, and was in a hurry to get home and drink it. That's why he cut you off!!
Sally: O, Ya. You bet he was. I bet the farm he was gettin cigarettes while he was at it.
Marge: What did he look like? My 16 yr old son, Barry,
Group: ya, O,yeah What about him, yea Marge
Marge: Ya, Barry has been smoking and someone is buying them for him. If I could catch the guy I'd go straight to the cops.
Group: O my gosh.oooo Marge. Poor thing
by larryisajerk September 18, 2008
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The widely excepted applied syntax of the English language, founded by Alan.
"unlessof" has the same meaning as unless if in Alanonics.
by AC888 December 10, 2015
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