The term used by high performers within the business and entrepreneur world, who wakes up at 04.00 in the morning, that refers to the period between 08.00 and noon. Aftermoon is followed by the afternoon.
I was working on the strategy in the morning, and when the staff came in in the aftermoon, we could start the plenum discussions.
by The Happie July 7, 2018
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The time after midnight and before dawn.
This word plays with the sound and meaning of its opposite - as afternoon is the time after mid day, aftermoon is the time after midnight.
I'm so tired, I went to sleep last night at 2:00 aftermoon.
by JustTheOrdinaryFox September 9, 2020
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the afternoon when the moon is still visible up until noon
Hey, do you want to grab lunch this aftermoon? I want to eat outside and would prefer not to see the moon while we're eating.
by themoonguy December 6, 2009
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A man on discord who wanted a urban dictionary entry he is also know as being savage
by bobdilbert February 28, 2017
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