n. a delayed laugh after a previous laugh.

v. to laugh at something comical another time, a while after it happened.
(joke told/something funny happens.) "hahahahahaha..........(seconds, even minutes later)............hahhaha"

Whenever Brian does or says something hilarious, Melissa has a cute little afterlaugh moments after she initially laughed.
by BTurn June 15, 2007
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The laugh from a person who didn't get the joke until everyone else in the room had already finished laughing at it.
Jokester: "He stayed up all night wondering if there was actually a dog!"

Persons 1 - 4: "HA HA HA!"

Person 5: forty-five seconds later "Oh! Instead of a GOD! What a great joke! HA HA HA!"

Jokester: "Nice afterlaugh. Next time, try to keep up."
by La Guapa December 30, 2010
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someone makes a joke, then immediatly after you laugh but stop and look ackwardly
Person1: and the lady sayed "thats a bannana, not my hand!!"
Person1: >:|
Person2: lol afterlaugh
by derpman August 29, 2010
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