A term used to describe an individual usually named Meredith. This 'Meredith' usually takes long walks by herself and has multiple sex toys for a old and dried up vagina. Usually 6-7 different vibrators to be exact. None of which can get even the slightest bit of water flowing in that empty well.
by GoochSquire June 4, 2020
1. A woman who acts like she doesn't know a thing, therefore making a conversation totally impossible 2. A woman that constantly does stupid things
that girl was a dumb cunt
by bleepin September 29, 2003
An alcoholic beverage originating in the western Massachusetts hill town of Great Barrington. It consists of vodka, (typically Tito’s), cranberry juice, and just a splash of orange juice. May also be used as a term of endearment amongst close friends.
by Bartender April 2, 2020
A person who makes basic errors and is easily confused or very gullible, and is usually a rescidivist in doing so.
1. "Wendell lost his new phone, again."
"What a dumb cunt"
2. "John Howard married Peter Costello and both will now share the Prime Ministership of Australia"
"You dumb cunt"
"What a dumb cunt"
2. "John Howard married Peter Costello and both will now share the Prime Ministership of Australia"
"You dumb cunt"
by Zinedine July 19, 2006