new to a fandom and they think they know everything about their stan; they're also really annoying and they have auto caps on. If they're on twitter their layout doesn't match, if theyre on instagram they think the followers they have are their fans, they have a terrible ratio, they follow everyone. They stan bigger fanpages. they also usually dont know what a cupcake is.
cupcake: Hey wanna be friends? Please be my friend. I really want friends.

fan page: nO ashgsyaahhah you're a cupcake
cupcake: whats a cupcake
by uhhhhhangela February 28, 2018
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What EDP445 calls a 13 year old girl when he gets caught trying to meet her
by EDP sucks April 22, 2021
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"I was coming out here to pick up a cupcake and go back home"
by ChickenNega August 31, 2021
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On stan twitter, a cupcake is a sensitive person who can not take any jokes or drags. They need a job and don't belong on stan twitter. They will also cancel people and mass report over nothing.
Person: ___ tanked
Cupcake: That is so rude everyone mass report this account!
by olivia bensonola April 18, 2022
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ayyo, stop cupcaking wit that ugly ass ho.
by dAnIeLa November 30, 2004
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