To drink as much water as humanly possible, in place of alcohol.
Wow that guy is really robbing under that waterfall...... what a pussy
by plane guy November 17, 2018
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A dance move in which you convulse your upper body to the music with no rhythm, your hands balled into fists, arms below your waist, and twisting at the hips.
Damn dude! That jackass is out there doing The Rob, what a fag!
by n00bch0p February 10, 2009
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A guy who can makes you smile and laugh,, is similar to you personality wise,, has a good sense of humour and gets your,, has a good interest in music,, is passionate,, good cuddler,, honest and loyal,, trustworthy,, has good looks which is a bonus. Styled hair,, blue eyes,, pretty face,, slim rugged build. but mainly a guy who just gets you
Rob is da man!!!!!
by Flickinator101 November 14, 2012
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1. The on that got away.
2. someone with captivating eyes that I bet is awesome at making love.

3. Someone Ive always wanted to kiss

4.Someone that is gone, moved on and married to someone else. ; Someone that never gave me a chance.
by youllneverhaveaclue January 8, 2012
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beth: oh look it's rob

sophie: WHAT A NOB.
by bethisda14U August 23, 2008
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Rob - One who is an over controlling and self-assured jerk. Can also be described as a person who is likely to brag about his newest Statistics vocabulary to make himself seem smarter.
A Rob- Well you see since the sample size is so large I can calculate with a 95% confidence that we will see a ten percent to fifteen percent on our ability to......

Normal person- "Shut up!!! Your being such a Rob!!!
by Team .S.tell.A.rS. April 7, 2008
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The OB1 of stoners, his skills unmatched by the weakling of his time. He trains hard always aiming for perfection. Always shooting for the perfect bong rip. He is the dankness, and he will concker any who choose to challenge him to the mighty weed wars.
You can't handle the Rob
by The grail of Eden July 17, 2017
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