1. A futuristic and gender-neutral term for a friend, a pal, a cohort. A trusted crewmate. Similar to bro or mate.

2. When used sarcastically: a superficial, disloyal, rude, or selfish person. A jerk; a meathead.

Abbreviation: zorb, zorbs (plural).
1. Yo, zorbo! You wanna come to the holodeck and get some drinks with me and my zorbos?

2. That zorbo over there just threw my best pair of moon boots out the airlock because "they smelled bad!" What an asteroidhole.
by SpaceKumite November 23, 2019
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1. (adj.) Used to describe a loser or nerd
Synonyms: nerdy, geeky, dorky

2. (n.) A loser; hopeless case
Synonyms: loser, nerd, geek, dork
1. Louie: College is to grow; it's kinda like a plateau... one step towards the real world.
Carrie: Your opinions are screwy. I thought all of that was zorbo.

2. "A real loser... should have the name Zorbo" (Moffat, Coming of Age in a College Dorm).
by AznMexAggie August 2, 2004
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A hairless, chubby creature found in Bajookieland. They are quite docile.
Bajookie 1: Oh look! A wild Zorbo!!
Bajookie 2: Cool!!
by JuggyWuggysAnteaters April 23, 2023
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