Welfare mooching, crime committing, ghetto trash.
Look at those zombies hanging out on the corner of Crenshaw Blvd., they're always tweaking waiting for the government hand outs.
by Jesus_hates_Obama November 1, 2008
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The footsoldiers of the undead. Rar. Undead = RAWK
"Dude, Jimmy was totally eaten by a zombie. That was crap, so what's for lucnh? Ooh! Chicken nuggets!"
by BlueMech March 5, 2003
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1. An animated corpse that feeds on living flesh
2. A voodoo spell that raises the dead
3. A Voodoo snake god
4. One who movs or acts in a daze "like a zombie"
Your such a zombie jim.
(jim bites mans arm)
by sanklaws February 18, 2009
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something that is brainless,will put anything in its mouth,and limps, and if it weren't green it could be easilly mistaken for a peg legged college girl.
college guy:Dude that limpy chick at that party last night was totally all up in my business
college guy 2:wait.. was that the green one?
college guy:yeah
college guy 2:that was a zombie, man..
college guy:whatd you say? the lines breaking up.. oh hey shes at my door see you tomorrow dude *hangs up*
by zombie romancer July 29, 2009
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Anyone who is in a church building during service, especially during the priest/preacher sermon.
The church sermon dragged on for so long, I felt like a zombie.
by sdsdfsdfwewre3 October 7, 2003
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Team on the G4 tv show Arena that kicks all ass.
Team ZoMBiE Rulez!!!
by RAi November 4, 2003
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To revert into your subconscious when walking/moving and try to get from point A to point B with little hassle in-between, usually causing you to look like a zombie by looking straight ahead and not paying any attention to everyone else whom are most likely zombieing as well.
I tried to break John from Zombieing in the halls, but that kid was on a mission!
by B Lund November 1, 2010
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